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YEBN – Hack Your Science


Mercoledì 3 Febbraio alle ore 18:00 si svolgerà l’evento
“HACK YOUR SCIENCE SESSION: Hacking the traditional way of doing science”
organizzato da @yebn_eu

Elena Poughia, MD at Dataconomy Media, Community Advisor at EUvsVirus for EIC
Manuel Cossio, Founder of pocovidscreen
Fabio Balli, Lead Open Village, Geneva Health Forum

Questo il programma:
6.00 pm. Welcome and presentation of the Platform and the YEBN
6.05 pm. Presentation of the Hack your science program and speakers
6.15 pm. Talks of the speakers about open science, fablabs, hackathons and company founding, collaborations during Hackathon, other collaborative events for science etc.
6.45 pm Round table discussion with questions from the audience
7.20 pm. Closing remarks by the moderation
7.30 pm. Closing of the meeting

E’ possibile registrarsi a questo link:

ATTENZIONE: per i soci di Biotecnologi Italiani l’iniziativa è  gratuita. Contatta la segreteria per il codice di accesso


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