La YEBN – Young European Biotech Network ha organizzato l’evento “Life after PhD” in occasione della European Biotech Week 2020.
“The aim of this event is to provide attendees with talks where professionals that successfully followed different paths after their Ph.D. share their experience and advice. Attendees will be given the possibility to know more about different career options after the biosciences-related Ph.D.s, and in particular about Entrepreneurship.”
- Teresa Tarragó, Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Exheus
- Valerie Vanhooren, Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer (CEO), ONA Therapeutics
L’evento si svolgerà online il 28 Settembre alle ore 18:00.
E’ possibile registrarsi a questo link entro il 28 Settembre alle ore 12:00.
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