ANBI da sempre sottolinea l’importanza delle #softskills per i #biotecnologi.
Ecco un ciclo di 3 appuntamenti, organizzati da YEBN – Young European Biotech Network, pensato appositamente per aiutare i biotecnologi ad allargare le proprie competenze al di fuori del laboratorio.
Primo appuntamento domani! Registratevi subito qui:
ATTENZIONE: per i soci ANBI l’iniziativa è gratuita. Contatta la segreteria per il codice di accesso.
- SESSION 1. 25th June, 6:00 pm Online. Networking and Relationship-building. An expert who gives you the tools to build long-lasting professional relationships and strengthen your network. Tiago Oliveira, Industrial Liaison Officer. Innovation Department IRB Barcelona.
- SESSION 2. 1st July, 6:00 pm Online. Leadership and Personal Branding. After the first session, here an expert will show you how to acquire important leadership skills such as team building, conflict resolution, empathy, and negotation. Marc J. Brehme, Chief Technology Officer. Ribbon Biolabs.
- SESSION 3. 8th July, 6:00 pm Online. Effective Communication. After identifying the keys to build a strong contacts network and define your leadership skill-set, it is time to learn how to deliver effective communication based on the target you want to reach. Anna May, Communication & Outreach Officer. Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC)
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