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PostDoc Positions available


The Candiolo Cancer Institute-IRCCS (Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment) is a private non-profit institute situated near Torino. The core of the Institute is at the interface between molecular biology and precision medicine. The new Jumping Genes Lab is now recruiting:

  • an outstanding, creative Postdoctoral Fellow with expertise in CRISPR/Cas9 genetic engineering to cut out retrotransposon (jumping gene) insertions from human cell lines (requirements: experience with CRISPR technology and cell culturing, genetic engineering methods other than CRISPR is also considered, prior work with mobile elements is a plus, but not required. Excellent English communication skills are necessary);
  • a Bioinformatician to analyze retrotransposon (jumping gene) insertions from next generation sequencing (NGS) data (Requirements: programming experience, preferably Python, Perl and/or R. Familiarity with the Linux command-line environment and basic systems administration; some experience with common NGS analysis tools (examples include bwa, bowtie, samtools, GATK), ability to work independently under minimal supervision on complex projects is important. Prior work with mobile elements is a plus, but not required. A PhD in a related field is desirable, but not required).

Applications including a European style CV and a summary of past accomplishments should be sent to



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